Our GDPR Team
Executive Headteacher: Miss Cathryn Mann
Head of School: Mrs Jude Statham
GDPR Lead: Mrs Shounan Lai
School Business Manager: Mrs Shounan Lai
DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead): Mrs Jane Bolton
ICT & Computing Subject Leader: Miss Sally Taylor (maternity leave)
GDPR Nominated Governor: Mr Chris Willet
To contact any member of the team
Email: admin@standrewsenf.co.uk
Telephone: 0208 363 5003
To contact the DPO (Data Protection Officer)
Email: schools.data.protection.officer@enfield.gov.uk
Post: Data Protection Officer, Enfield Council Civic Offices, Silver St, Enfield, EN1 3XA
Please state the name of our school in all correspondence with the DPO
To contact the GDPR Regulator